Between Us: Tim Hussin and Erin Brethauer on Documenting the Personal Side of Wildfire

Tim Hussin

Tim Hussin

Thursday November 5th, 7pm ET

Filmmakers, photographers, and couple, Erin Brethauer and Tim Hussin join host Mike Belleme to discuss their ongoing documentary work around wildfires in California. At Six Feet we have tried to continue to respond to the moment as it has moved through different phases of the pandemic and social justice. Now much of the Western US is on fire exasperating what has already been a trying year. Although the fire season is particularly bad this year, it’s not a new or temporary problem. Tim and Erin have been telling the story of a family in Paradise, California which was devastated by fire in 2018 and are at risk of fire again this year. We will discuss how they have approached narrative storytelling through both still images and feature film in their current work as well as previous collaborations including a feature film about AIDS survivors in the bay area.

artist talkbetween us