mike belleme

mike belleme


we are glad you are here

We are a volunteer run collaborative project, supporting and engaging photographers around the globe. This is a community and archives in the making, and without you it can’t happen.

The Six Feet photography project acknowledges the cultural inequities that exists within many art institutions and community projects. Six Feet encourages participation from artists who identify as culturally, geographically, educationally, marginalized, including (but not limited to) Black, Indigenous, People of Color, Queer, Trans, Non-binary, Gay, Lesbian, Two-Spirit, people with disabilities, women, those without formal art education, and people who identify as any intersectionality or identity not mentioned here.

Below are some next steps to help you get connected and engaged.

  1. Read our about page and get to know us.

  2. Join online events such as webinars, artist talks, and info sessions.

  3. Subscribe to our newsletter.

  4. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook .

  5. Invite your friends to follow us on facebook.

  6. Use the hashtag #lifeatsixfeet when posting images to Instagram. To see everyones posted photographs follow #lifeatsixfeet. To share photographs in a public hashtag feed, your Instagram account must be public. Those with a private account should submit photographs through our website submission form.

  7. Share your photographs, ideas, and skills with us.

  8. Help us grow our community by introducing us to other photographers, educators, and curators.

  9. Check the website often, it is growing by the minute, thanks to everyone!

  10. Join (or help us launch) a practice community!

  11. Embrace your vulnerability. Take risks. Let go of perfection. Learn a new skill. Ask for support. Share work that is still in process.


upcoming events