Photographic Inquiry & Rhizomatic Relationships
Wednesday, January 20th, 7 pm ET
Drawing from the work of Sally Atkins, the Six Feet Community will be redesigning our Wednesday night photography forums and salons.
Utilizing the metaphor of rhizomatic relationships which are multiple, intertwining, and interpenetrating, we will be creating thematic conversations that draw on the wisdom of the photographic community at large. By introducing rich and engaging community questions, we hope to inspire what Atkins describes as a/r/tographic inquiry.
Simply put, together we will ask and explore questions and topics that really matter to you in your photographic practice. Next, we will draw on bodies of work that inspire community engagement in order to expand and deepen our inquiry. By pushing the boundaries of traditional forms of hierarchal learning, we can move circuitously around ideas and practices that inform and nourish each other’s creative practices in real-time.
Please join us this Wednesday to help us shape the questions and the content of our future Six Feet Forums.