Anatomy of a Home

How do we make images in our homes after we've exhausted our homes as subject for almost a year during social isolation? This practice group, with Frances Bukovsky, Anna Rotty, Beate Sass, Rita Kovtun, and Sara Swaty was an in-depth exploration of making images in the home. Each week was focused on an individual room and posed questions served as prompts for image making and reflection.

These are some of the images made over the course of the practice group, and questions that were considered in their making.

The Kitchen

Can you think of a time sitting at a table with family/friends in your current home? How could you reconstruct that moment?

Do you have a historical connection to your kitchen table?

What stories could your countertops tell about you?

Are there foods that have cultural/ancestral meaning for you? Or is there a dish that makes you think of someone in specific?

Is your kitchen a source of stress or comfort? What is your relationship to the space?

Rita Kovtun

Rita Kovtun

Anna Rotty

Anna Rotty

Rita Kovtun

Rita Kovtun

Frances Bukovsky

Frances Bukovsky

Frances Bukovsky

Frances Bukovsky

Anna Rotty

Anna Rotty

Beate Sass

Beate Sass

The Living Room

How do you spend your time in your living spaces?

What is your historical connection to your home? Do you have one? Or how could you begin to create one?

What memories do you keep in your living spaces?

Who do you allow yourself to be in your living space?

Sara Swaty

Sara Swaty

Rita Kovtun

Rita Kovtun

Anna Rotty

Anna Rotty

Beate Sass

Beate Sass

Frances Bukovsky

Frances Bukovsky

Beate Sass

Beate Sass

Anna Rotty

Anna Rotty

Rita Kovtun

Rita Kovtun

Sara Swaty

Sara Swaty

Anna Rotty

Anna Rotty

Anna Rotty

Anna Rotty

Sara Swaty

Sara Swaty

The Bathroom

Do you have rituals that repeat throughout the day? What do they look like at different times? What objects are used in those rituals?

What does self-care look like for you?

Can you allude to what is private without stating it explicitly?

Beate Sass

Beate Sass

Beate Sass

Beate Sass

Frances Bukovsky

Frances Bukovsky

Rita Kovtun

Rita Kovtun

Rita Kovtun

Rita Kovtun

Anna Rotty

Anna Rotty

Frances Bukovsky

Frances Bukovsky

Sara Swaty

Sara Swaty

Anna Rotty

Anna Rotty

Beate Sass

Beate Sass

The Bedroom

What does rest look like to you?

Where do you rest? How do you rest?

What in your bedroom/resting place fits your personality?

What items hold memories?

Sara Swaty

Sara Swaty

Anna Rotty

Anna Rotty

Beate Sass

Beate Sass

Rita Kovtun

Rita Kovtun

Anna Rotty

Anna Rotty

Anna Rotty

Anna Rotty

Sara Swaty

Sara Swaty

Beate Sass

Beate Sass

Frances Bukovsky

Frances Bukovsky

Rita Kovtun

Rita Kovtun

Sara Swaty

Sara Swaty

Frances Bukovsky

Frances Bukovsky

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