Constellating: A Conversation about Community and Influences with Colby Caldwell

Colby Caldwell

Colby Caldwell


Recorded Thursday, September 17th, 2020

Attention, because it so often involves seeing something in its singularity, leads us to prize that one moment, thing, person. But the interconnectedness between humans and, in this case, photographers, is something to attend to just as deeply. Maybe now more than ever, we need to attend to each other and think about our clusters, our expanding constellation of influence and attention.

Colby Caldwell, photographer and program director at REVOLVE in Asheville, NC, will discuss how the pandemic’s enforced isolation has given him insight into how his own community as constellation has nurtured him -- and how that constellation has and will nurture others. When faced with having to be “alone,” during these past few months, Caldwell has relied firmly on his constellation of friends, mentors, and peers. Join him for a conversation about how and why influence matters in both his photographic work and in the evolving practice of running a boundless art space.

Join us for our first partnered event co-hosted by our friends at REVOLVE.

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