Crossing Over: Using Alternative Processes and Hybrid Media for Community Storytelling with Jackie Neale

Jackie Neale

Jackie Neale

Jackie Neale

Jackie Neale

Recorded: Thursday, September 24th, 2020

Jackie Neale is a photographic artist using alternative processes and hybrid media to create storytelling projects. In her recent work, Crossing Over: Immigration Stories, Jackie used large format cyanotype portraits accompanied by audio interviews that delved deeply into experiences of modern immigration and asylum seeking (Jackie is a descendant of 20th century Italian immigrants).  Crossing Over is an ethereal, abstract, and alternative installation that incorporates sound and vision. Using a multi-sensory walk through of the fabric, Jackie’s work helped viewers establish a deeper connection to the immigrants stories. In this way, Jackie expands everyone's notion of what it is to emigrate to another country and to cross over into a new life for the sake of health and happiness. Join us for a lively conversation about personal and social processes, the power of using hybrid media to enhance storytelling, and the importance of community emersion.

Jackie Neale (born. Philadelphia), is a hybrid photographic artist creating storytelling installations in varying mediums ranging from alternative processes to low-fidelity recordings. Her process relies on community immersion to depict honest interactions in under-recognized communities and serving as personal testimonials and oral histories. Jackie is the former Online Features Imaging Director at NYC’s Metropolitan Museum of Art completing over 300 storytelling projects over 15+ years, the Director and Lead Photographer for Big Day Film Collective, a published author, and undergraduate Photography Professor at Saint Joseph’s University and New York Film Academy. Jackie is now on view in Venice, Italy, New York City, and Philadelphia, PA, and completes her community-based projects while on residency in New York City, Philadelphia, Texas, Mexico, Calabria and Milan, Italy.

weekly photography forum